Intellinav One User’s Manual
3. Tap
. The map appears, and the guidance
directions begin.
TToo sseelleecctt aa PPOOII bbyy cciittyy::
1. Tap
BByy CCiittyy
. The Enter City Name screen appears.
2. Tap the
to enter the name of the city and
. The Enter POI Name screen appears.
3. Tap the
to enter the name of the POI and
. The POI Select screen appears.
4. Tap
. The map appears, and the guidance
directions begin.
Using a Favorite Destination as a
Favorite destinations are locations you add to a list on
the Intellinav system. You can add locations to your
Favorites list as you set a destination, from the POI(S)
screen, and from the Location Information screen. You
can then easily select one of these locations as a
TToo SSeelleecctt aa FFaavvoorriittee aass aa DDeessttiinnaattiioonn::
1. Tap Menu. The main menu appears.
2. Tap Destination. The Set Destination screen
3. Tap Favorites. The Favorites screen appears.
4. Tap on the favorite you want to use as a
destination and tap Nav. The map appears, and
the guidance directions begin.
Using a Recent Destination as a
Recent destinations are locations you have navigated to
recently. You can easily select one of these locations as a
destination. Managing your recent destinations list is
covered later in this section.
User's Manual
TToo sseelleecctt aa ddeessttiinnaattiioonn ffrroomm yyoouurr lliisstt ooff rreecceenntt
1. Tap Menu. The main menu appears.
2. Tap Destination. The Set Destination screen
3. Tap Recent. The Recent screen appears.
4. Tap on the recent destination you want to go to
and tap Nav. The map appears, and the guidance
directions begin.
Using a City Center as a Destination
Sometimes you may want to use the Intellinav system to
get to a city, but not to a specific location within the city.
To do this you select a City Center as a destination.
As with selecting a Point of Interest, there are several
methods of selecting a city center: two for nearby city
centers and one for all city centers in a region.
TToo sseelleecctt aa nneeaarrbbyy CCiittyy CCeenntteerr aass aa ddeessttiinnaattiioonn::
1. Tap
. The main menu appears.
2. Tap
. The Set Destination screen
3. Tap
CCiittyy CCeenntteerr
. The City Center screen appears.
TToo sseelleecctt ffrroomm aann aallpphhaabbeettiiccaall lliisstt::
a. Tap
. The Enter City Name
screen appears.