
Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 203
Upgrade Components: The Print Server’s FTP Directory and Its Libraries
28.5. The Print Server’s FTP Directory and Its Libraries
In connection with various kinds of upgrading, it is important to
know what structure of the FTP Directory is. This is critically
true if you use an Intermate100 (G22). The Intermate101
(G32) gives much better support to make sure that everything
gets put in its proper place when upgrading, resetting, etc.
G22 and G32 also have different library structures. In the lists
below, only the libraries which could be important for you to
know about are shown, and a colon separates the library name
from the file name(s). The versions indicated are just examples
and reflect the newest available in February 2002.
28.5.1. Intermate100 (G22)
BOOT: G21_031.FFS
TN3270IDB: (one IDB file if TN3270E is activated)
TN5250IDB: (one or more IDB files if TN5250 is
IPDSFONT: FONT300.FFS (There are two alternative
IPDS font files: FONT300.FFS and FONT240.FFS. A
version number is not a part of the component name)
TN5250FONT: K66-0151.FFS
QUICKGUIDE: QGUIDE.TXT (A version number is not
part of the file name)
IPDS: K65_0441.FFS
REBOOT: holds two files.
One called "controlled", the other called "immediate".
CONFIG: ima_cfg.bin