Part No 1026793 17 Xtra™
This wheelchair has been designed to accommodate one (1) individual. If more than
one (1) individual occupies the wheelchair this may adversely affect the stability of
the wheelchair, resulting in serious bodily injury to the user and passenger and dam-
age to the wheelchair and surrounding property.
Virtually all activities which involve movement in the wheelchair have an effect on the
center of gravity. Invacare recommends using seat/chest positioning straps for additional
safety while involved in activities that shift your weight.
To assure stability and proper operation of your wheelchair, you must at all times
maintain proper balance. Your wheelchair has been designed to remain upright and
stable during normal daily activities as long as you do not move beyond the center of
gravity. DO NOT lean forward out of the wheelchair any further than the length of the
Coping with Everyday Obstacles
Coping with the irritation of everyday obstacles can be somewhat alleviated by learning
how to manage your wheelchair. Keep in mind your center of gravity to maintain stability
and balance.
A Note to Wheelchair Assistants
When assistance to the wheelchair user is required, remember to use good body
mechanics. Keep your back straight and bend your knees whenever tilting wheelchair or
traversing curbs or other impediments.
DO NOT attempt to lift or tilt a wheelchair by using any removable (detatch-
able)parts. Lifting by means of any removable (detatchable)parts of a wheelchair
may result in injury to the user or damage to the wheelchair.
Also, be aware of detachable parts such as arms or legrests. These must NEVER be used
to move the wheelchair or as lifting supports, as they may be inadvertently released,
resulting in possible injury to the user and/or assistant(s).
When learning a new assistance technique, have an experienced assistant help you before
attempting it alone.