Solara jr. 48 Part No. 1106628
Both gas cylinders MUST be operational and adjusted properly BEFORE using
recliner. DO NOT operate the recliner option if only one (1) of the gas cylinders is
operational or adjusted properly.
Pinch Points exist between spreader bar and gas cylinders. Use caution, otherwise
injury may occur.
When returning the occupant of the wheelchair to the full upright position, more
body strength will be required for approximately the last twenty (20) degrees of
incline (reverse recline). Make sure to use proper body mechanics (use your legs) or
seek assistance to avoid injury.
Tilt and Recline Combinations:
Recline is a term used to define the angle between the seat pan and the back.
Tilt is a term used to define the angle between the seat pan and the ground/floor.
ALWAYS make sure that the wheelchair is stable BEFORE using the tilt-in-space. Rear
wheels may have to be repositioned rearward depending on the degree of tilt-in-
space required. ALWAYS ensure stability BEFORE using maximum amount of tilt-in-
space. TEST wheelchair BEFORE it is occupied BY the end user to ensure safety.
NOTE: To lower the seat parallel with the floor, reverse the following procedure.
1. Place the wheelchair on a level surface.
2. Engage both wheel locks.
3. Inform the occupant of the wheelchair that
the wheelchair is about to be tilted and
remind them to lean back.
4. Make sure the occupant's hands and body
are clear of all pinch points.
5. Stand behind the wheelchair and grasp both
back canes firmly.
6. Pull up on the trigger release levers to
release the tilt mechanism from the tilt slide.
7. SLOWLY, push down on the back canes while pulling up on the trigger release levers in a
continuous motion.
8. When the seat reaches the desired angle, SLOWLY let go of the trigger release levers.
Tilt Slide
Tilt Mechanism