Part No. 1143206 61 Pronto® M41 with SureStep®
Connecting/Disconnecting Battery Cables
Connecting Battery Cables
NEVER allow any of your tools and/or battery cable(s) to contact both battery
terminal(s)/post(s) at the same time. An electrical short may occur and serious
personal injury or damage may occur.
The use of rubber gloves is recommended when working with batteries.
DO NOT remove fuse or mounting hardware from POSITIVE (+) RED battery
cable/mounting screw.
Battery terminal configuration as shown in Detail “A” of FIGURE 13.2 MUST be
used. Batteries that have the terminal configuration reversed MUST NOT be used -
otherwise serious injury or damage may occur.
Install protective caps on POSITIVE (+) and NEGATIVE (-) terminals.
All battery terminal covers (two on the front battery and two on the rear battery)
MUST be installed prior to use.
When connecting the battery cables to the batteries, the battery cables MUST be
connected to the battery terminals/posts, as shown in Detail “A” of FIGURE 13.2
(depending on battery type), otherwise damage to the battery cable may result
when installing battery terminal caps.
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 13.3andFIGURE 13.2onpage62.
1. Connectbatterycablestobatteriesterminals/posts(FIGURE 13.2):
A. NEGATIVE(‐)BLACKbatterycabletoNEGATIVE(‐)batteryterminal/post.
B. POSITIVE(+)REDbatterycabletoPOSITIVE(+)batteryterminal/post.
2. Securethebatterycables/ringterminalstothebatteryterminals/posts,BLACKto
flangescrewandhexflangelocknut.Securelytighten(Detail“A” ofFIGURE 13.2).
3. Verifyallbatterycables/ringterminalsarecorrectlyinstalledandsecurelytightened.
4. Slideterminalcapsdownbatterycablesandontobatteryclamps(FIGURE 13.2).