Pronto® M71™ 18 Part No 1118377
Safety Inspection Checklists
These adjustments should be made whenever this product is serviced, especially as
part of the initial unit setup. Follow these procedures:
As with any vehicle, the wheels and tires should be checked periodically for cracks
and wear, and should be replaced.
❑ Ensure wheelchair rolls straight (no excessive drag or pull to one side).
❑ Ensure all fasteners on clothing guards are secure.
❑ Ensure arms are secure but easy to release and adjustment levers engage properly.
❑ Ensure adjustable height arms operate and lock securely.
❑ Ensure armrest pad sits flush against arm tube.
❑ Ensure seat and/or back upholstery have no rips.
❑ Inspect seat positioning strap for any signs of wear. Ensure buckle latches. Verify
hardware that attaches strap to frame is secure and undamaged. Replace if necessary.
❑ Ensure axle nut and wheel mounting nuts are secure on drive wheels.
❑ Inspect wheel/fork assembly has proper tension when caster is spun. Caster should
come to a gradual stop.
❑ Loosen/tighten caster locknut if wheel wobbles noticeably or binds to a stop.
❑ Ensure all caster/wheel/fork/headtube fasteners are secure.
❑ Inspect tires for flat spots and wear.
❑ Check pneumatic tires for proper inflation.
❑ Clean upholstery and armrests.
❑ Inspect seat positioning strap for any signs of wear. Ensure buckle latches. Verify
hardware that attaches strap to frame is secure and undamaged. Replace if necessary.
❑ Inspect motor brushes and gearbox coupling.
❑ Inspect electrical components for signs of corrosion. Replace if corroded or damaged.
❑ Check that all labels are present and legible. Replace if necessary.
❑ Ensure the casters are free of debris.