Pronto® M51™and M61™with SureStep® 66 Part No 1125085
Disconnecting Battery Cables
The use of rubber gloves is recommended when working with batteries.
NEVER allow any of your tools and/or battery cables to contact both battery
terminals at the same time. An electrical short may occur and serious personal
injury or damage may occur.
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 11.3onpage 65.
1. Removetheseat.Performoneofthefollowing:
•VanSeat‐RefertoRemoving/InstallingtheSeatAssemblyonpage 48.
•ASBASeat‐RefertoRemoving/InstallingtheSeatAssemblyonpage 57.
2. Removethebatteries.RefertoRemoving/InstallingBatteriesfrom/intoBatteryTray
onpage 61.
3. Cutthetie‐wrapthatsecuresthebatteryterminalcapinplace(Detail“B”of
FIGURE 11.3).
4. Slideterminalcapsupontothebatterycables(FIGURE 11.3).
5. DisconnectPOSITIVE(+)batterycablefromthePOSITIVE(+)batteryterminal
(FIGURE 11.3).
6. DisconnectNEGATIVE(‐)batterycablefromNEGATIVE(‐)batteryterminal
(FIGURE 11.3).
Charging Batteries
NEVER attempt to recharge the batteries by attaching cables directly to the
battery terminals.
DO NOT attempt to recharge the batteries and operate the wheelchair at the same
DO NOT attempt to recharge the batteries when the wheelchair has been exposed
to any type of moisture.
DO NOT attempt to recharge the batteries when the wheelchair is outside.
DO NOT sit in the wheelchair while recharging the batteries.
DO NOT attempt to recharge the batteries using both the on-board battery
charger and an independent battery charger (plugged into the joystick charger
port) at the same time. Doing so will reduce the life of the batteries.
Read and carefully follow the individual instructions for each charger (supplied or
purchased). If charging instructions are not supplied, consult a qualified technician
for proper procedures.