1. Power Switch
To turn the IOGEAR GPS unit ON/OFF, slide the switch
towards the desired position as indicated below.
ON – Slide switch to the right position to turn on
OFF – Slide switch to the left position to turn it off
2. Power Jack
Before you can use the IOGEAR GPS unit, you need to
charge it for approximately 3 hours to fully charge. In the
box, you should have received both an AC-DC charger, and
car charger
• AC Charger – Can be connected to any power outlet
found in your home.
• DC Charger – For vehicle use; connects to the
cigarette lighter port.
To charge the built-in battery, simply connect one of the
included chargers to the power jack on your GPS unit.
3. Reset Switch
The main function of the reset switch is to perform a Cold Start of
the GPS unit. Essentially, a cold start wipes off all the data - such
as satellite IDs, position information, etc. - stored in the GPS
memory. After the GPS unit is “cold-started” it will obtain all
required information from scratch.
Instances when you would need to do a cold start of the GPS unit
GPS cannot establish communication with the satellites even
after long periods of waiting
You have moved to another location (such as to a different
state/country) with the GPS unit OFF and now it cannot
establish its position
Cold-Start Procedure
1. Turn the GPS ON
2. Press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds
3. Release reset button
After performing a cold-start, the GPS unit should take about 5
minutes to establish its position, since it needs to gather all GPS
data from scratch. However, depending on your location/
environment, this process may take up to 15 minutes.