
Alignment Peg
Tray Locking Knob
Accessory Tray
Center Rod Knob
Figure 8. Set up tripod
STEP 3. Attach the ZEQ25 Mount
Retract both Azimuth Adj. Knobs to allow enough clearance inside
the chamber. Position the mount on the tripod head with the Alignment
Peg in between the 2 Azimuth Adj. Knobs. Thread the Center Rod into
mount to secure it with tripod. Tighten the Tray Locking Knob to fully
spread the tripod legs. Adjust the tripod legs to level the mount using the
Level Bubble.
STEP 4. Adjust Latitude
This step requires you to know the latitude of your current location.
This can be found from your 8408 hand controller after the embedded
GPS receives the signal from the satellites. It also can be easily found on
the Internet, with your GPS navigator or a GPS capable cell phone. You
will have to change this latitude setting every time you significantly change your night sky viewing location.
This setting directly affects the mount’s tracking and GOTO accuracy.
Slightly loosen the Latitude Locking T-bolts. Turn Latitude Adjust Knob to adjust the latitude until the
arrow points to your current latitude on the Latitude Indicator (see Figure 7b). Relock the Latitude Locking
T-bolts. At this point, with the mount leveled and pointed north, and the latitude set, the Polar Axis (R.A. axis)
should be pointing very close to the NCP and Polaris. This alignment accuracy will be sufficient for visual
tracking and short duration piggy-back (camera mounted on top of the OTA) astrophotography.
STEP 5. Install Counterweight (CW) Shaft
CW Shaft Locking Screw
CW Mounting Nose
Front CW Position Screw
CW Shaft Locking Screw
CW Mounting Nose
Front CW Position Screw
Figure 10. Install counterweight shaft
Alignment Peg
Azi. Adj. Knob
Figure 9. Attach a mount