
EN Camera Series
28 Tutorial
If you want to update multiple cameras at the same time, use the SHIFT key to highlight multiple
cameras. Then, right-click to select “Update Firmware in Camera(s).”
3.6.3 RS-232 PowerPC Debug Port
If you have the debug RS-232 serial/power cable, you can debug EN cameras over the serial port.
This is useful when Ethernet is not available. In this tutorial, we suppose we have accidentally
assigned an invalid IP address to the EN camera, and now we cannot communicate with the EN
camera over Ethernet. When this happens, there are two recovery methods.
The first method requires setting the Hyper terminal to the following setting (9600-8-N-1. No
hardware handshake).
Power up the EN camera. You should see the monitor message in the serial terminal. Type the “/”
key within three seconds.