8. Notice the bearing holder on the shaft is
eccentric. Index the bearing shaft to another
position and slide it back in, making sure the
flange on the thumb screw (H, Figure 31)
properly seats into the groove of the bearing
shaft. Re-install the bearing and the screw.
Examine the overlap between the bearing
face and the blade. Change the position of
the bearing shaft until the overlap is
approximately 1/8".
9. With the thumb screw (H, Figure 31) still
loosened, adjust the distance from bearing
to blade. Turn knurled knob (J, Figure 31) to
move the support bearing (K, Figure 31) in
or out until the bearing is 1/64" behind the
blade. (NOTE: To set this distance quickly,
you can place a dollar bill or piece of paper
between support bearing and back of
10. Tighten thumb screw (H, Figure 31).
11. Repeat procedures 1 through 10 for the
Lower Blade Guide Assembly.
Figure 31