For More Information on...
• creating a Split Key, refer to the section “Split Keys”
on page 32.
Modifying Wipes
Wipes can be modified to give more distinct qualities
and personalize your transitions. The following effects
can be adjusted:
• Time, Direction
• Pattern, Horizontal Multiplication, Vertical
• X-Position, Y-Position, Aspect Ratio
• Border, Color, Soft
• Hue, Saturation, Luminosity
• Rotation
To modify time and direction:
1. Press WIPE to display the Wipe menu.
2. Press NEXT until Time is displayed.
3. Use the Time knob to change the duration of the
4. Use the Direction knob to set the direction of the
wipe. You can choose from the following:
• Fwd — Wipe runs in the forward (default)
• Rev — Wipe runs in the reverse direction.
5. Press the Direction knob to alternately enable
and disable the flip-flop direction feature. You
can choose from the following:
• Enabled (FF) — The first time a wipe
transition is performed, it runs in the forward
direction. Performing a second wipe transition
runs in the reverse direction.
• Disabled — Wipes always run in the direction
specified in step 4 above.
To change other wipe modifiers:
1. Press WIPE to access the Wipe menu.
2. Press NEXT to cycle through the available wipe
3. Use the corresponding knob to change the
•Pattern (Pattrn) — to find and select a desired
• X Pos or Y Pos — to position the wipe
• Aspect — to adjust the aspect ratio.
• Border Size (Border) — to adjust the size of
the border.
• Image Softness (Soft) — to blur or harden the
• Border color (these options only appear if you
set the Border Size greater than 0.0%)
› Use the Load knob to select a preset color.
Press the Load knob to load the color.
› Use the BHue,
BSat, and BLum knobs
until the desired color is achieved.
• Rotation (Rot) — to rotate the pattern.
•Horizontal (HMult) and Vertical (VMult)
Multiplication — to create multiple instances of
the pattern.
• You can select a pattern using the Pattern Buttons.
This also displays the Wipe menu.
• The X Pos and Y Pos can be adjusted using the
positioner (KM-H 3000 only).
• Aspect adjustments are not available for all
• Circle, left square, right square, and diagonal
patterns with aspect adjustments can not be
Aux Buses
The switcher has three timed Aux buses which have
access to the following sources:
• Any primary source (including Media-Store)
• Program
• Clean Feed
• Chroma Key Alpha
Accessing the Aux Buses
KM-H3000: The Aux buses can be accessed from
control panel buttons.
KM-H2500: The Aux buses can be accessed through
the menu system.