-- 31 --
JVC VR-616
IP Address : ____.____.____.____
Subnet Mask : ____.____.____.____
Gateway : ____.____.____.____
DNS : ____.____.____.____
Web Server Port Number : ___
We highly recommend you consult the Network Manager.
● IP Address : This is the name of the product in TCP/IP.
You can use any IP in one Network.
If you want to link with the Internet, you need an Global IP address to avoid conflict.
● Subnet Mask : It is 32 Bit in length. ( = Address Mask )
● Gateway : This is used for connecting to the Network, which has a different structure
and Protocol.
● DNS : It is a link system for easy connection to the Internet.
For example, you can use an alphabetic address, e.g. www.company.com
instead of a
number address.
● We highly recommend you consult the Network Manager.
3.5.3 Network Setup
● Web Server Port Number : This is for connecting external computer from Web Server.
In case of WWW using http, it is used 80 generally.