Operating instructions KM 100/100 R / KM 100/100 R P English
For your own safety!
General notes
It is mandatory to read and
observe this prior to using the
— Notify your sales outlet if during
unpacking you detect damage
that has occurred in transit.
! Read the operating instructions
of your appliance prior to putting
it into operation, especially the
safety information.
— The warning signs and
information labels attached to the
unit provide important advice on
its safe operation.
— In addition to the instructions in
the operating instructions,
general safety- and accident
prevention-regulations from
lawgivers must be followed.
! The unit shall be exclusively used
in accordance with the
specifications given in these
operating instructions.
! Prior to utilization the appliance
and its working facilities must be
checked regarding their proper
condition and that they operate
safely. It must not be used if its
condition is not faultless.
— The unit is intended for sweeping
inside- and outside surfaces.
— No modifications permitted on the
— Never absorb explosive liquids,
inflammable gases or undiluted
acids and solvents! This includes
petrol, paint thinner or fuel oil,
which can form explosive fumes
due to the swirling suction air, in
addition acetone, undiluted acids
and solvents, since they corrode
the materials used for the
— Do not sweep up/absorb burning
or smouldering objects.
Only if expressly marked as such
is this appliance suitable for
sucking up health-hazardous
dust types.
Observe the safety-related notes
given in the operating instructions.
— Suitable only for the surfaces
listed in the operating
— The appliance may be used on
only the areas cleared for its use
by the factory owner or a person
authorized by him.
— Keep clear of the danger area. Its
operation in explosion hazardous
locations is prohibited.
— The following applies generally:
Keep combustible materials away
from the machine (danger of
— The rules, regulations and
stipulations applying to motor
vehicles must always be
— The operator must use the unit in
accordance with its intended
purpose. She must adapt her
mode of operation to the local
conditions and when working with
the appliance keep a look out for
third parties, especially children.
— The appliance may only be used
by persons instructed in its
handling or who have proved
their capability of operating it and
who are expressely authorized to
use it.
— The unit must not be operated by
children and youths.
! To prevent unauthorized
utilization of appliances provided
with an ignition key the ignition
key must be removed.
! The appliance must never be left
unattended as long as the motor
is running. The operator may not
leave the appliance until the
motor is turned off, the appliance
is safeguarded against
unintentional motion, if necessary
the parking brake actuated and
the ignition key removed.
— On slopes the angle of inclination
to the side and in the direction of
motion must not exceed the
value given in the operating
! The motor must be turned off
when the appliance is
! Secure the machine with guy
belts, ropes or chains.
! Immobilise the machine at the
wheels with chocks.
! The unit must be switched off
and, if necessary, the ignition key
removed prior to cleaning it,
performing maintenance work on
it, replacing parts or resetting it to
a different operation.
! For battery-run appliances the
battery plug must be pulled out of
the socket prior to work on the
electrical equipment, i.e. the
battery is to be disconnected.
— Repairs may only be carried out
by approved customer service
centres or by technical personnel
trained in this field which are
familiar with all relevant safety
— Industrially used appliances in
changing locations are subject to
the safety inspection according to
VDE 0701.
— Use only the main brushes/side
brushes fitted in the unit or
specified in the operating
instructions. Using other main
brushes/side brushes can be
detrimental to safety.
— The unit may not be cleaned with
a hose- or a high pressure water
jet (danger of short circuits or
other damages).
Accessories and spare parts
— Only accessories and spare parts
cleared by the manufacturer may
be used. Genuine accessories
and spare parts guarantee that
the unit can be operated safely
and trouble-free.
Riding appliances
— Riding appliances are not
approved for public highways.
Please ask your retailer for the
conversion kit for street-
— Giving companions lifts is not
— Riding appriances may be set in
motion only from the seat.
Battery driven appliances
— Warranty is valid only when you
use the batteries and charging
units recommended by Kärcher.
! It is mandatory to comply with the
battery manufacturer's operating
instructions. Heed the statutory
recommendations on handling
! Never leave a battery in a run
down condition but recharge it as
soon as possible.
! Keep the batteries always clean
and dry to prevent leaking
currents. Protect it from
contamination, for example, by
metallic dust.
! When mounting the batteries in
the KM 100/100 R make
absolutely sure you also install
the battery terminal fuse. (see
maintenance work, chapter on
replacing fuses)
! Do not place tools or similar
objects on the battery. Hazard of
short circuits and explosion.
! Do not under any circumstances
work with an open flame, create
sparks or smoke near a battery
or in a battery recharging room.
Explosion hazard.
! Do not touch hot parts, for
example, the driving engine
(hazard of burns).