1. Kit Alternator Installation
When using the kit alternator, remove the related
parts of the original alternator, and changing the
around parts of the starter from original parts to kit
parts. Install the kit alternator as shown in the
Used Parts Table
Part Name Part No. Remark
1 Starter motor 21116-0013 Original
2 Shaft 1 13107-0097
3 Shaft 2 13107-0096
4 Circlip 480J1300
5 Needle bearing 92046-1217
6 Shaft 3 13107-0098
7 Idle gear cover 14091-0443
8 Idle gear 59051-0053
9 Stator
10 Rotor
11 Busing 92139-0121
12 Starter clutch cover 14091-0444
13 Bolt 1 92153-0451 Original
14 Needle bearing 92046-0004 Original
15 Starter clutch 13194-3704 Original
16 Bolt 2 92150-1880
17 Starter clutch gear 16805-0012 Original
18 Snap ring 92033-3731 Original
Remove the original starter clutch related parts.
When removing the original starter clutch from the case, carefully remove the snap ring.
For disassembly, replace the new one when the reuse is hard for damaging, etc.