Safety Precautions
The water heater with draft hood Installed must be prop-/
eriy vented to a chimney which terminates outdoors.|
Never operate the water heater unlessIt is vented to the/
outdoors and has adequate air supply to avoid risks ofl
improper operation, explosion or asphyxiation. |
Minimum clearances between the water heater and com-
basttbleconstruction are I" at the sidesand rear, 4" at the
front, and 6,_'filxlnthe ventI_e. CJearancefrom the top of the
jacketis18 on most medels. Note thet a lesser dimansion m_
be allowedon some models. Refer to the label on the vra_
heeteradjacentto the gascantrolvalvefor ail deanmce_
Do not use this appliance if any part of it has been under I
water. Immediately call a Sears Service Technician to [
inspectthe appliance and to replace the gascontrol or any
part of the burner systemwhich kes been under water.
the water heater must be accomplished in such a manner
that Ifthe tank or any connections should leak, the flow of
water will not cause damage to the structure. When such
locations cannot be uolded, a suitable drsJn pan should
be Installed under the water heater. Drain pans are avail.
able at your Iocai Sears store. Such a drain pan must be
not greater than I I/2 inches deep, have a minimum
length and width of at least 2 inches greater than the
water heater dimensions and must be piped to an ade-
quate drain. The pan must not restrict combustion air
flow. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer or
Sears to be held liable for any water damage in €onnec-
tion with this water heater.
HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogen gascan be produced In a hot
water system that hasnot been usedfor a long period of
time (generally two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas is
extremely flammable and explosive. To prevent the possl-
bility of Injury under these conditions, we recommend the
hot water faucet be opened for several minutes at the
kitchen sink before any electrical appliances which are
connected to the hot water system are used (suchas a dis-
hwasber or washing machine). If hydrogen gas is present,
there will probably be an unusual sound similar to air
escaping through the pipe as the hot water faucet is
opened. There must be no smoking or open game near
the faucet at the time it isopen.
INSULATING JACKETS: When Installing an external
water heater Insulation jacket on a gaswater heater:
DO NOT cover the temperutoro-pressure rellof veJve.
DO NOT put insulation over any part of the top of the
gaswater heater.
DO NOT put insulation over the gascontrol valve or gas
control vaivelburner cover, or any access areas to the
DO NOT let insulation around the gas water heater to
get within 8 inches of the floor (air must get to the
DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions, and
safety related warning labels and materials affixed to the
water heater.
Failure to heed this will result in the possibilityof a fire or