Service and Adjustment
Tank (Sediment) Cleaning
Sediment build-up on the tank bottom may create varying
amounts of noise, and if left in the tank will causepremature
tankfailure. In some water areas,you may not be able to drain
all sediment depositsby simply drainingthe tank. In these cases
MugErad(part no. 23600) can be usedto help removethe sedi-
ment deposits. This may be ordered from the Sears Service
Center. For ozdering,refer tothe "Parts Order List"section.
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires correction I
belbrefur_.., use.Turn"OFF" gesto watorheatorandlenveI
I "OFF" until n_airs are made, becausefailure to correct the I
] causeof the sootingcan result in a fire or explosioncausing]
[UOXT.,SmOOSao{ac Nu , ¢mPRopmrv j
Venting System Inspection
At leastonce a year a visual inspection should be made of the
venting system.Youshould lookFor:
• Obstructions which could causeimproperventing.The com-
bustionand ventilationairflow must not be obstructed.
Damageor deteriorationwhich could causeimproper venting
i or leakageof combustion products.
Rusted flakesaround top of water heater.
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system may
occur if air for combustioncontains certain chemical
Spray can propellants, cleaningsolvents,refrigerator and air
conditioner refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals,calcium
end sodium chloride,waxeg bleach,and processchemicalsare
typ_ compoundswhichareporouslyoorrodve.
Burner Cleaning
In the event your burner needs cleaning, use the following
If iuspe_ctionof the burner shows t_ denning is required,turn
the gascontrol knob clockwise(( x0 to the "OFF_ position,
NOTF_ The knob cannot be turned from _PILOT" to UOFF"
unlessknob is depressedslighdy. DO NOT FORCE.
Loosedepositson or around the burner can be removedby care-
fully using the hose of a vacuum cleaner inserted through the
accessdoorof the water heater. If the burnerneedsto be removed
for additional denning, call the Sears ServiceCenter to remove
and dean the burner and correct the problem that required the
burner to be denned.
_ or &_iotat_ ,rants,/stam_ma,/_ a serious
healthHskor asplc/_atfon.
sure the vent piping is properly connected to prevent
_engerous flue gass_ which coud cause deadly I
Ifafcor Impection of the vent aystom you foond sooting or I
detertmalio_ some_ing Iswrong. Call the local ges u_llty to [
€orrecttheproblempnddeanor n_locethe#ueandvon_ngI
before resumingoperationofthe water heater. I
Burner Inspection
Do ont usethis applienceif any part of it has bennonder vauDer.
Immediately call a SearsService Technicianto inspect the
appliance and to replace the gascontrol or any part of the I
burner lystomwh chhasbeenunderwater. }
At leastonce a year a visualinspectionshould be made of the
main burner andpilot burner. The drawing isfor your reference.
You should check for sooting which is not normal and will
impair proper combustion.
L.R Gas Control Valve & Burner
Assembly Replacement
For Propane (LP.) Gas Models Only'.
Your water heater is equipped with a Propane (LR) gas
control valve and a main burner assembly with/eft hand
threads for the following r_ings end their connections.
(I) The connection betWeen the manifold and the
gas control valve (.6,to B) are left hand threads.
(2) The connection between the main burner ori-
fice and the manifold (C to D) are left hand
threads. For ordering these replacement parts,
please refer to the "Parts Order List" section of
this manual.