Your dehumidif'_r control panel contains a Bucket Full indicator, a Humidity indicator, a Power
Control, Humidity Control, Fan Speed Control and Timer Control.
Bucket Full indicator --This lightglowswhen thewater bucketisfull and needsto be emptied.
It alsoglowswhen the bucketis notproperlypositioned.
Power-- Operationstartswhen thisbuttonis pressedandstopswhenthe buttonispressedagain.
Humidity Control -- This buttoncontrolsthe humidityinthe room.
• e : To raise the humiditysetting
• • : To lowerthe humiditysetting
• The humiditycan be set withina range of 35%-70% RH(RelativeHumidity)by 5%
• ifyou push e buttononce again at 35% RH,
on isdisplayedandUnit operateswithoutRH.
Fan Speed -- This controls the speedof the airflow.
• WhenFan Speed buttonis pressed,the fan speedmodechangesfromHigh.-) Low-_ High.
Energy Timer -- Press this buttonto selecttype of operation.
• Select Constantfer uninterruptedoperation.
• Selecteither 3 or6 Hr.On/Offfor cycledoperation.
The unitwilloperatefor 3 or6 hours,andthen shutoff completely for 3 or 6 hours.
The cycle repeatsuntilyou change the eeiting.
• When Energy Timerbuttonis pressed,the Timerindicatorlightsshiftasfollows:
ContinuOus On,,,],3 Hr. On/Off_ 6 Hr. On/Off_ Continuous On
Auto Restart-- Once power is restoredalter a poweroutage,the unitbeginsoperaUngat itsprevious
operationsettingsafter a 2 minutedelay.
1. Plugthe powercord intoan electricaloutlet.Pressthe powerbutton.
2. Set the HumidityControlanywhere between35%-70% RH(RelativeHumidity)fornormaloperation.
If you need drierair, pressthe • HumidityControl button.
ffyouneed moister air, pressthe • HumidityControl button.
3. Press the Powerbuttontostopthe unitmanually.
4. Pressthe Timer buttonto setthe amountof lime youwant the unitto run.
At theend of that time,the unitwill shutoff.
The Timer canbe setfor: Continuous On, 6 hoursor 3 hours.
5. If you want tocontrolthe speedof airflow,pressFan Speed button.Each time that the Fan Speedbutton
is pressed,the fan speed modeis shifted:High"-) Low -> High
Note: Be careful not to lose the water bucket.
This dehumidifier doesn't run If the water bucket is not Installed properly.