[i!i !!_,i_ !!_,i_ SECTION 2 _i:!!!_,i_ !!_,i_i] HOW YOUR WATER SOFTENER WORKS
Hardness changes the
hardness setting. Default is
25. Pressing the UP or
DOWN button changes the
nmnber by one. Once cor-
rect number is shown,
press SELEC I' to change to
Recharge Fime is the when
the softener is scheduled to
start a recharge. Default is
2:00 AM. Using the UP or
DOWN arrows changes the
time by one hour incre-
ments. When the desired
new setting.
Recharge Time:
time is shown, press SE-
LECT to change and return to Settings menu.
Choices SaltOptionOPTIONS
are Salt Options, Quick- QuickCharge
Charge, Rinse Option and RinsE.Option
Recharge Count
Recharge Count. Back
Salt Options has several Exit
selections: /,v CHANGE
When salt is added to tank,
Salt Level nmst be changed
to the new salt level in the
tank. Use the UP or DOW-
N arrows to set. Observe
the bars and the corre-
sponding number value in the display. This number
nmst match the number on the brine tube in the brine
tank that the salt level is closest to. When the correct
number is displayed, press the SELECT key. Screen
will return to Salt Options screen. The salt monitor is
an estimate of your salt level; accuracy depends on type
of salt used and regeneration characteristics. NOTE:
The display automatically defaults to this screen and
the tank light turns on when the salt cover is opened
on the softener and returns to normal operating screen
when salt cover is closed.
Salt Level:m ]
Salt Alert Level is the lev-
el at which you want
your softener to signal
that the salt level is low.
When salt level drops to
this point, the low salt
Salt Alert ]
LED will flash on the faceplate. Move the small cur-
sor up or down by pressing the UP or DOWN ar-
rows and observe the number in the display. When
the correct number is displayed, press the SELECT
key. Screen will return to Salt Options screen.
Salt rlype allows you to SaltType:
chose between sodium NaC1
chloride (NaC1), which is
regular softener salt, or po- Potassium Chloride
see Owner's Manual
tassium chloride (KC1),
which is an alternative to
sodium chloride. KC1 should be used in accordance to
the following steps to help give you years of mainte-
nance free service.
1) Place only one bag of KC1 in your softener at a time
(the salt storage tank should contain no more than 60
pounds of KC1 at any one time),
2) A softener using KC1 should not be placed in areas
with high temperature changes or high humidity (KC1
will harden in these environments and may make the
softener inoperable),
3) Check the brine tank and brinewell (black tube in
salt storage tank) monthly, if hardening is present,
pour small amounts of warm water on hardened areas
until they loosen.
4) Be sure to set the correct salt type depending on
which salt type is used (NaC1 or KC1).
Use the UP or DOWN ar-
rows to toggle between
NaC1 or KC1 and press SE-
LECI' to enter information
and return to Salt Options
screen, if KC1 is selected
5:39 PM
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the normal operating screen will display KC1 in the
lower right hand corner of the display.
Salt Efficiency has three options.
High Performance, Salt Efficient and Max. Salt Effi-
cient. Using Sodium Chloride (NaC1) with these op-
tions, High Performance allows the softener to operate
at a normal efficiency rate. This is good for house-
holds with high water usage. At the Salt Efficient set-
ting, the softener operates at a mininmm of 4,000
grains per pound of salt and set at Max. Salt Efficient,
the softener operates at a mininmn_ of 4,250 grains per
pound of salt. Use the UP or DOWN arrows to move
the black bar over your choice. Press SELECI, and a
warning screen will appear. Changing this setting will
affect performance. Choose either Cancel or Accept.
Display will return to Salt Options menu, press SE-
LECI' once more to return to normal operating screen.
NOTE: The state of California requires a setting of Salt
Efficient or Max. Salt Efficient.
Problems, Questions? Call 1- 800- 426- 9345 Kenmore Water Line