
ooked meat
Follow the method for raw meat but process for a shorter time.
ut the vegetables into pieces approximately 2.5cm/1in in size. Process foods
aving a similar texture together eg harder vegetables like carrots and potatoes
or softer ones like mushrooms, tomatoes or cooked vegetables.
iscuit and breadcrumbs
rop pieces down the feed tube whilst the machine is operating.
hortcrust pastry and scones
Put the flour into the bowl. Use fat straight from the refrigerator and cut into
n cubes. Process until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs but take
are not to overprocess. Leave the machine running and add the liquid down
the feed tube. Process until one or two balls of pastry are formed. Chill before
Purée soups either before or after cooking. Drain the ingredients and place into
the bowl with a small quantity of liquid from the recipe. Process until the desired
onsistency has been reached, then add to the remainder of the liquid.
Chop nuts for cakes and biscuits by placing into the bowl and processing until
he desired consistency is obtained.
ake making
Sponge type cakes are best made by the ‘all in one method’. All the ingredients
are placed into the bowl and processed until smooth - approximately 10
econds. A ‘soft tub’ margarine used straight from the refrigerator and cut into
4in cubes should always be used.
Savoury dips/spreads
Place the solid ingredients into the bowl in 2.5cm/1in cubes. Process until finely
chopped. Add the cream etc., and continue to process until the ingredients are
well blended.
With the knife blade in position place the dry ingredients, egg and a little liquid in
the bowl, process until smooth. Add the remaining liquid down the feed tube
whilst the machine is operating.
Yeast dough
Place the flour, fat and other dry ingredients into the bowl and process for a few
seconds to mix. With the machine running add the liquid mixture down the feed
tube and continue processing until the mixture forms a dough and becomes
smooth in appearance and elastic to touch - this will take 45-60 seconds. Allow
the dough to rise then re-knead for 10 seconds.
Use for egg whites and cream only. The whisk is unsuitable for other recipes.
Make sure the bowl and whisk are free from any traces of grease or egg yolk
when whisking egg whites.
slicing and shredding plates
what the cutting plates can do.
slicing plate - slices carrots, potato, cabbage, cucumber, courgette, beetroot,
shredding plate - grates cheese, carrot, potato and foods of a similar texture.
to assemble the plate carrier
1 Clip the spacer onto the end of the plate carrier .
2 Select the desired plate and fit into the carrier with the cutting side uppermost.
Locate one end of the plate under the rim and press the other end into position
it will only fit one way round .
When using the slicing and shredding plates the spacer must be clipped into
position on the end of the carrier.
using the cutting plates
shredding plate
Cut pieces of food to fit the feed tube. Fill the tube almost to the top and push
down using the pusher with an even pressure whilst the machine is running.
Longer shreds can be obtained by stacking pieces horizontally in the feed tube
eg carrot.
slicing plate
f necessary cut food to fit the feed tube. Core foods such as apples and
eppers. Pack the food in an upright position in the feed tube. The height
should be slightly shorter than the feed tube. Using the pusher, push down with
n even pressure whilst the machine is running.
Use fresh ingredients.
on’t cut food up too small. Fill the feed tube fairly full, this prevents food from
lipping sideways during processing.
When slicing or shredding: food placed upright comes out shorter than food
laced horizontally.
fter using a cutting plate there will always be a small amount of waste on the
plate or in the food.
o not allow food to build up to the underside of the plate - empty regularly.
ush food down the feed tube using an even pressure.
maxi blend canopy
hen blending, use the maxi blend canopy in conjunction with the knife blade.
t allows you to increase the liquid processing capacity of the bowl and improve
the chopping performance of the blade.
Place the canopy into the bowl over the knife blade - do not push down .
Fit the lid - the lid will ensure that the canopy is located at the correct height .
citrus press (optional attachment)
The citrus press is used to juice citrus fruit ie oranges, lemons, limes and
1 Fit the bowl onto the processor. Add the strainer and turn clockwise until the fin
on the strainer aligns with the mark on the processor body .
2 Attach the cone onto the drive shaft turning until it drops all the way down .
3 Cut the fruit in half. Switch on and press the fruit onto the cone.
Use the liquidiser for fine soups, drinks and mayonnaise.
to use the liquidiser
1 Remove the outlet cover µ.
2 Put the ingredients into the jug.
3 Screw the lid and filler cap onto the jug.
4 Screw the jug onto the outlet.
5 Switch on.
6 After using the liquidiser always replace the outlet cover.
The liquidiser attachment will work only with the processor bowl
and lid in position.
When using the liquidiser outlet we recommend that there are no
tools in the processor bowl.
When making mayonnaise, put all the ingredients, except the oil into the liquidiser.
Then with the machine running, pour the oil into the filler cap and let it run through.
Thick mixtures, eg pates and dips, may need scraping down. If it’s difficult to
process, add more liquid.
Allow hot liquids to cool before blending in the liquidiser – if you haven’t fitted
the lid securely and it comes off, you could get splashed.
To ensure the long life of your liquidiser, never run it for longer than 60 seconds.
Switch off as soon as you’ve got the right consistency.
Don’t process spices - they may damage the plastic.
The machine won’t work if the liquidiser is fitted incorrectly.
Don’t put dry ingredients into the liquidiser before switching on. If necessary, cut
them into pieces; remove the filler cap; then with the machine running, drop
them through one by one.
Don’t use the liquidiser as a storage container. Keep it empty before and after
Never blend more than 1 litre (1
4 pts) - less for frothy liquids like milkshakes.