
knife blade
dough tool
twin beater geared whisk
maxi-blend canopy
k thick slicing/coarse shredding disc
thin slicing/fine shredding disc
k fine (Julienne style) chipper disc
k geared citrus press (if supplied)
KENSTORE™ attachments carousel
to use your food processor
hen using the food processor bowl, the liquidiser
outlet cover must be fitted and locked in position or
he processor will not work.
1 Fit the bowl. Place the handle towards the back, lower and turn
clockwise until it locks .
2 Then fit the detachable shaft over the power unit fixed shaft.
3 Fit an attachment over the drive shaft.
Always fit the bowl and attachment onto the machine before
adding ingredients.
4 Fit the lid onto the bowl - turn clockwise until the arrow on the
lid aligns with the line on the power unit .
5 Switch on and select a speed.
The processor won’t work if the lid or outlet cover
are fitted incorrectly.
Use the pulse (P) for short bursts. The pulse will operate for as
long as the control is held in position.
6 Reverse the above procedure to remove the lid, attachments and
Always switch off before removing the lid.
Your processor is not suitable for crushing or grinding coffee
beans, or converting granulated sugar to caster sugar.
When adding almond essence or flavouring to mixtures avoid
contact with the plastic as this may result in permanent marking.
to use your liquidiser
1 Fit the sealing ring into the blade unit - ensuring the seal is
located correctly. Leaking will occur if the seal is
amaged or not fitted correctly.
2 Screw the jug onto the blade unit.
3 Put your ingredients into the jug.
Put the filler cap in the lid, then turn.
5 Turn the lid in a clockwise direction to lock onto the jug.
6 Lift off the liquidiser outlet cover .
Place the liquidiser onto the liquidiser outlet and turn to lock .
The liquidiser attachment will work only with the
rocessor bowl and lid in position.
When using the liquidiser outlet we recommend that
there are no tools in the bowl.
Select a speed or use the pulse control.
When making mayonnaise, put all the ingredients, except the oil
into the liquidiser. Then with the machine running, pour the oil into
the filler cap and let it run through.
Thick mixtures, eg pates and dips, may need scraping down. If
it’s difficult to process, add more liquid.
Ice crushing - operate the pulse in short bursts until crushed to the
desired consistency.
Liquids should be allowed to cool to room temperature before
Only operate the liquidiser with the lid in place.
To ensure the long life of your liquidiser, never run it for longer
than 60 seconds. Switch off as soon as you’ve got the right
Don’t process spices - they may damage the plastic.
The machine won’t work if the liquidiser is fitted incorrectly.
Don’t put dry ingredients into the liquidiser before switching on. If
necessary, cut them into pieces; remove the filler cap; then with
the machine running, drop them through one by one.
Don’t use the liquidiser as a storage container. Keep it empty
before and after use.
Never blend more than 1
2 litres (2pts 12floz) - less for frothy
liquids like milkshakes.
choosing a speed for all functions
tool/attachment function speed maximum
knife blade One stage cake mix 1 – 8 1.5Kg/3lb 5oz total weight
Rubbing fat into flour 5 – 8 340g/12oz flour weight
Adding water to combine pastry ingredients
Chopping/pureeing/pates 8 600g/1lb 6oz meat
knife blade with Soups and milkshakes 1 – 8 1.5 litres/2pts 12fl.oz
maxi-blend canopy Start at low speed and increase to maximum
whisk egg whites 8 6 egg whites
egg & sugar for fatless sponges 8
cream 5 – 8 500mls
dough tool yeasted mixes 8 500g/1lb 2oz flour weight
discs - slicing/shredding Firm food items such as carrots, hard cheeses 5 – 8
Softer items such as cucumbers, tomatoes 1 – 5
disc - fine chipper Firm foods such as carrots, potatoes 5 - 8
Softer items such as cucumbers 1 - 5
citrus press Citrus fruits 1
liquidiser All processing 8 1.5 litres/2pts 12fl.oz