z Always check tractor manual for proper use on slopes.
z When using a unit, a minimum 20% of tractor and equipment weight must
be on tractor front wheels. Without this weight, tractor could tip over,
causing personal injury or death. The weight may be attained with a front-
end loader, front wheel weights, ballast in the tires or front tractor weights.
When attaining a minimum 20% of tractor and equipment weight on the
front wheels, you must not exceed the ROPS weight certification. Weigh
the tractor and equipment. Do not guess or estimate!
z Comply with state and local laws governing highway safety and move-
ment of farm machinery on public roads.
z The use of flashing amber lights is acceptable in most localities. How-
ever, some localities prohibit their use. Local laws should be checked for
all lighting and marking requirements.
z At all times, when driving the tractor and equipment on the road or high-
way under 20mph (32kph) use flashing amber warning lights and a slow
moving vehicle (SMV) identification emblem. Do not exceed 20 mph (32
kph). Reduce speed on rough roads and surfaces.
z Plan your route to avoid heavy traffic.
z Always install transport locks, pins or brackets before transporting.
z Do not drink and drive.
z Be a safe and courteous driver. Always yield to oncoming traffic in all
situations, including narrow bridges, intersections, etc. Watch for traffic
when operating near or crossing roadways.
z Turn curves or go up or down hills only at a low speed and at a gradual
steering angle. Make certain that a least 20% of the tractor’s weight is on
the front wheels to maintain safe steerage. Slow down on rough or un-
even surface. Always check tractor manual for proper use on slopes.
z Be careful when turning sharp corners.
z Never allow riders on either tractor or post hole digger.
z Following operation, or when unhooking the post hole digger, stop the tractor, set the
brakes, disengage the PTO, shut off the engine and remove the ignition keys.
z Store the unit in an area away from human activity.
z Do not park equipment where it can be exposed to direct contact to livestock for long
periods of time. Damage and livestock injury could result.
z Make sure all parked machines are on a hard, level surface and engage all safety