TP-6335 9/04 Electrical System 15
6.3 Circuit Protection
The AC circuit breaker protects the generator set from
extreme overload. The AC circuit breaker trips when it
detects a fault in the output circuit.
For application and selection information contact an
authorized distributor/dealer.
After correcting the fault, reset the AC circuit breaker by
placing it in the ON position. Restart the unit. See an
authorized service distributor/dealer for AC circuit
breaker ratings. The unit’s voltage configuration
determines the circuit breaker selection.
Note: Circuit breaker ampere rating and availability are
subject to change.
6.3.1 Circuit Breaker Considerations
Mounting location. Mount the circuit breaker in the
generator set’s junction box.
Sizing. Use the generator set voltage/frequency
configuration to determine the circuit breaker
amperage. If the circuit breaker was sized for one
voltage configuration and later the generator set is
reconnected to a different voltage, change the circuit
breaker accordingly to provide optimum protection.
Have a qualified electrician or technician install circuit
breakers and reconnect the generator set. Complywith
all governing standards and codes.
Accidental starting.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Disconnect the battery cables before
working on the generator set.
Remove the negative (--) lead first
when disconnecting the battery.
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last
when reconnecting the battery.
Disabling the generator set. Accidental starting can
cause severe injury or death. Before working on the
generator set or connected equipment, disable the generator
setasfollows: (1) Movethegeneratorsetmasterswitch tothe
OFFposition. (2) Disconnectthepowertothebatterycharger.
(3) Remove the battery cables, negative (--) lead first.
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last when reconnecting the
battery. Follow these precautions to prevent starting of the
generator set by an automatic transfer switch, remote
start/stop switch, or engine start command from a remote
Hazardous voltage.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Operate the generator set only when
all guards and electrical enclosures
Grounding electrical equipment. Hazardous voltage can
cause severe injury or death. Electrocution is possible
whenever electricity is present. Open the main circuit
breakersofall powersources before servicing theequipment.
Configure the installation to electrically ground the generator
set, transfer switch, and related equipment and electrical
circuitstocomplywithapplicablecodesandstandards. Never
contact electrical leads or appliances when standing in water
Short circuits. Hazardous voltage/current can cause
severeinjury or death. Short circuits can cause bodily injury
and/or equipment damage. Do not contact electrical
connectionswith tools or jewelry while making adjustments or
repairs. Remove all jewelry before servicing the equipment.
Electrical backfeed to the utility. Hazardous backfeed
voltage can cause severe injury or death. Connect the
generator set to the building/campground electrical system
only through an approved device and after the
building/campground main switch is opened. Backfeed
connections can cause severe injury or death to utility
personnel working on power lines and/or personnel near the
work area. Some states and localities prohibit unauthorized
connection to the utility electrical system. Install a transfer
switch to prevent interconnection of the generator set power
and other sources of power.