TP-5700 7/938 Section 3 Location
3.3 Mounting
Typical mounting surface details and dimensions are
shown in Figure 3-1. The recommended mounting
surface is aconcrete mountingpad. This must bea level
surface as shownin Figure 3-2, orraised padsas shown
in Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4.
The advantage of the arrangement shown in Figure 3-3
is that the engine oil can be drained more conveniently.
An oil drain piped to the side of the mounting base is
usually available as an accessory from the
manufacturer. If there is not sufficient clearance below
the oil outlet for a pan large enough to hold the full
engine oil capacity, it will be necessary to use a pump
whenever oil is changed.
The double-pedestal arrangement shown in Figure 3-4
has the advantage of providing more working room
under the engine withoutraising the engine or generator
set off its mountings. With either arrangement, the
mounting pad should extend six inches (15 cm) beyond
the mounting base dimensions. When using the
double-pedestal arrangement, the pedestals should
extend at least six inches (15cm) back from the location
of the front engine mount and six inches (15 cm) toward
the engine from the generator mounting point. A
minimum of 18 inches (46 cm) between the generator
and any adjacent walls or other obstructions should be
maintained for ease of servicing.
1. Engine end
2. Battery rack
3. Generator end
4. Concrete surface
5. Generator set mounting base
6. 6 in. (15.24 cm)
7. 18 in. (45.72 cm)
Figure 3-1 Mounting Surface Detail
Figure 3-2 Single-Pad Mounting
Figure 3-3 Dual-Pad Mounting
Figure 3-4 Four-Pad Mounting