TP-6804 1/15 13Service Assistance
Service Assistance
For professional advice on generator set power
requirements and conscientious service, please
contact your nearest Kohler distributor or dealer.
D Consult the Yellow Pages under the heading
D Visit the Kohler Power Systems website at
D Look atthe labelsand stickerson yourKohler product
or review the appropriate literature or documents
included with the product.
D Call toll free in the US and Canada 1-800-544-2444.
D Outside the USand Canada, callthe nearestregional
Headquarters Europe, Middle East, Africa
Kohler Power Systems Netherlands B.V.
Kristallaan 1
4761 ZC Zevenbergen
The Netherlands
Phone: (31) 168 331630
Fax: (31) 168 331631
Asia Pacific
Power Systems Asia Pacific Regional Office
Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Phone: (65) 6264-6422
Fax: (65) 6264-6455
North China Regional Office, Beijing
Phone: (86) 10 6518 7950
(86) 10 6518 7951
(86) 10 6518 7952
Fax: (86) 10 6518 7955
East China Regional Office, Shanghai
Phone: (86) 21 6288 0500
Fax: (86) 21 6288 0550
India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
India Regional Office
Bangalore, India
Phone: (91) 80 3366208
(91) 80 3366231
Fax: (91) 80 3315972
Japan, Korea
North Asia Regional Office
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: (813) 3440-4515
Fax: (813) 3440-2727
Latin America
Latin America Regional Office
Lakeland, Florida, USA
Phone: (863) 619-7568
Fax: (863) 701-7131