TP-6069 6/03 11Section 4 Exhaust System
Section 4 Exhaust System
Carbon monoxide.
Can cause severe nausea,
fainting, or death.
The exhaust system must be leakproof
and routinely inspected.
Carbon monoxide symptoms. Carbon monoxide can
causeseverenausea, fainting,or death. Carbonmonoxide
is a poisonous gas present in exhaust gases. Carbon
monoxide poisoning symptoms include but are not limited to
the following:
D Light-headedness, dizziness
D Physical fatigue, weakness in
joints and muscles
D Sleepiness, mental fatigue,
inability to concentrate
or speak clearly, blurred vision
D Stomachache, vomiting, nausea
If experiencingany of these symptoms and carbon monoxide
poisoning is possible, seek fresh air immediately and remain
active. Do not sit, lie down, or fall asleep. Alert others to the
possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. Seek medical
attentionif the condition of affected persons does not improve
within minutes of breathing fresh air.
Inspecting the exhaust system. Carbon monoxide can
cause severe nausea, fainting, or death. For the safety of
the craft’s occupants, install a carbon monoxide detector.
Consult the boat builder or dealer for approved detector
location and installation. Inspect the detector before each
generator set use. In addition to routine exhaust system
inspection, test the carbon monoxide detector per the
at all times.
Operatingthegeneratorset. Carbonmonoxidecancause
severe nausea, fainting, or death. Carbon monoxide is an
death if inhaled for even a short time. Use the following
precautions when installing and operating the generator set.
Do not install the exhaust outlet where exhaust can be drawn
inthroughportholes,vents,orairconditioners. Ifthegenerator
setexhaust discharge outlet isnear the waterline, watercould
of exhaust. Never operate the generator set without a
functioningcarbonmonoxidedetector. Beespeciallycarefulif
operating the generator set when moored or anchored under
calmconditionsbecause gasesmay accumulate. If operating
the generator set dockside,moor the craftso thatthe exhaust
discharges on the lee side (the side sheltered from the wind).
Always be aware of others, making sure your exhaust is
directed away from other boats and buildings. Avoid
overloading the craft.
4.1 Types
Kohlerr generator sets covered in this manual use
eitherwet or dry exhaust systems. Dry exhaust systems
are common in commercial applications. See the
engine manual for specifications.
4.2 Exhaust Lines
Use water-cooled exhaust lines in all marine
installations. Keep the lines as short and straight as
possible. NFPA 302 Fire Protection Standard for
Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft, Clause 4-3,
recommends using two corrosion-resistant hose
clamps with a minimum width of 13 mm (1/2 in.) on each
end of the flexible exhaust hose connections.
Kohler Co. requires a downward pitch of at least 13 mm
per 30.5 cm (1/2 in. per running foot). Use a flexible
exhaust hose that conforms to UL Standard 1129 forthe
engine’s wet exhaust components between the mixer
elbow and the exhaust outlet.