TP-6843 1/13 Appendix 55
Appendix A Abbreviations
The following list contains abbreviations that may appear in this publication.
A, amp ampere
ABDC after bottom dead center
AC alternating current
A/D analog to digital
ADC advanced digital control;
analog to digital converter
adj. adjust, adjustment
ADV advertising dimensional drawing
Ah amp-hour
AHWT anticipatory high water
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
ALOP anticipatory low oil pressure
alt. alternator
Al aluminum
ANSI American National Standards
Institute (formerly American
Standards Association, ASA)
AO anticipatory only
APDC Air Pollution Control District
API American Petroleum Institute
approx. approximate, approximately
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AQMD Air Quality Management District
AR as required, as requested
AS as supplied, as stated, as
ASE American Society of Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical
assy. assembly
ASTM American Society for Testing
ATDC after top dead center
ATS automatic transfer switch
auto. automatic
aux. auxiliary
avg. average
AVR automatic voltage regulator
AWG American Wire Gauge
AWM appliance wiring material
bat. battery
BBDC before bottom dead center
BC battery charger, battery charging
BCA battery charging alternator
BCI Battery Council International
BDC before dead center
BHP brake horsepower
blk. black (paint color), block
blk. htr. block heater
BMEP brake mean effective pressure
bps bits per second
br. brass
BTDC before top dead center
Btu British thermal unit
Btu/min. British thermal units per minute
C Celsius, centigrade
cal. calorie
CAN controller area network
CARB California Air Resources Board
CAT5 Category 5 (network cable)
CB circuit breaker
CC crank cycle
cc cubic centimeter
CCA cold cranking amps
ccw. counterclockwise
CEC Canadian Electrical Code
cert. certificate, certification, certified
cfh cubic feet per hour
cfm cubic feet per minute
CG center of gravity
CID cubic inch displacement
CL centerline
cm centimeter
CMOS complementary metal oxide
substrate (semiconductor)
com communications (port)
coml commercial
Coml/Rec Commercial/Recreational
conn. connection
cont. continued
CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
crit. critical
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CT current transformer
Cu copper
cUL Canadian Underwriter’s
CUL Canadian Underwriter’s
cu. in. cubic inch
cw. clockwise
CWC city water-cooled
cyl. cylinder
D/A digital to analog
DAC digital to analog converter
dB decibel
dB(A) decibel (A weighted)
DC direct current
DCR direct current resistance
deg., ° degree
dept. department
dia. diameter
DI/EO dual inlet/end outlet
DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung
e. V. (also Deutsche Industrie
DIP dual inline package
DPDT double-pole, double-throw
DPST double-pole, single-throw
DS disconnect switch
DVR digital voltage regulator
programmable read-only
E, emer. emergency (power source)
ECM electronic control module,
engine control module
EDI electronic data interchange
EFR emergency frequency relay
e.g. for example (exempli gratia)
EG electronic governor
EGSA Electrical Generating Systems
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EI/EO end inlet/end outlet
EMI electromagnetic interference
emiss. emission
eng. engine
EPA Environmental Protection
EPS emergency power system
ER emergency relay
ES engineering special, engineered
ESD electrostatic discharge
est. estimated
E-Stop emergency stop
etc. et cetera (and so forth)
exh. exhaust
ext. external
F Fahrenheit, female
FHM flat head machine (screw)
fl. oz. fluid ounce
flex. flexible
freq. frequency
FS full scale
ft. foot, feet
ft. lb. foot pounds (torque)
ft./min. feet per minute
ftp file transfer protocol
g gram
ga. gauge (meters, wire size)
gal. gallon
gen. generator
genset generator set
GFI ground fault interrupter
GND, ground
gov. governor
gph gallons per hour
gpm gallons per minute
gr. grade, gross
GRD equipment ground
gr. wt. gross weight
H x W x D height by width by depth
HC hex cap
HCHT high cylinder head temperature
HD heavy duty
HET high exhaust temp., high engine
hex hexagon
Hg mercury (element)
HH hex head
HHC hex head cap
HP horsepower
hr. hour
HS heat shrink
hsg. housing
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air
HWT high water temperature
Hz hertz (cycles per second)
IBC International Building Code
IC integrated circuit
ID inside diameter, identification
IEC International Electrotechnical
IEEE Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
IMS mproved motor starting
in. inch
in. H
O inches of water
in. Hg inches of mercury
in. lb. inch pounds
Inc. incorporated
ind. industrial
int. internal
int./ext. internal/external
I/O input/output
IP internet protocol
ISO International Organization for
J joule
JIS Japanese Industry Standard
k kilo (1000)
K kelvin
kA kiloampere
KB kilobyte (2
KBus Kohler communication protocol
kg kilogram
kilograms per square centimeter
kgm kilogram-meter
kilograms per cubic meter
kHz kilohertz