TP-6069 6/03 IIISafety Precautions and Instructions
Inspecting the exhaust system.
Carbon monoxidecan cause severe
nausea, fainting, or death. For the
safety ofthe craft’s occupants, installa
carbonmonoxidedetector. Consultthe
boat builder or dealer for approved
detector location and installation.
Inspect the detector before each
generatorsetuse. Inadditiontoroutine
exhaust system inspection, test the
carbon monoxide detector per the
manufacturer’s instructions and keep
the detector operational at all times.
Operatingthegeneratorset. Carbon
fainting, ordeath. Carbonmonoxide
is an odorless, colorless, tasteless,
inhaled for even a short time. Use the
following precautions when installing
andoperatingthegeneratorset. Donot
can be drawn in through portholes,
vents, or air conditioners. If the
generator setexhaust discharge outlet
is nearthe waterline,water could enter
the exhaust dischargeoutlet and close
or restrict the flow of exhaust. Never
operate the generator set without a
functioning carbon monoxide detector.
Be especially careful if operating the
generator set when moored or
anchored under calm conditions
because gases may accumulate. If
operating the generator set dockside,
moor the craft so that the exhaust
discharges on the lee side (the side
sheltered from the wind). Always be
aware of others, making sure your
exhaust is directed away from other
boatsandbuildings. Avoidoverloading
the craft.
Fuel System
Explosive fuel vapors.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Useextreme carewhen handling,storing,
and using fuels.
The fuel system. Explosive fuel
vapors can cause severe injury or
death. Vaporized fuels are highly
explosive. Use extreme care when
handling and storing fuels. Store fuels
spark-producing equipment and out of
thereach of children. Never addfuelto
the t ank while the engine is running
because spilled fuel may ignite on
contact with hot parts or from sparks.
Do not smoke or permit flames or
sparks to occurnear sources of spilled
fuel or fuel vapors. Keep the fuel lines
and connections tight and in good
condition. Do not replace flexible fuel
lines with rigid lines. Use flexible
sections to avoid fuel line breakage
causedbyvibration. Donotoperatethe
generator set in the presence of fuel
leaks, fuel accumulation, or sparks.
Repair fuel systems before resuming
generator set operation.
Draining thefuel system. Explosive
fuel vapors can cause severe injury
or death. Spilled fuel can cause an
explosion. Useacontainertocatchfuel
whendrainingthefuelsystem. Wipeup
spilled fuel after draining the system.
Installingthefuelsystem. E xplosive
fuel vapors can cause severe injury
or death. Fuel leakage can cause an
explosion. Do not modify the tank or
the propulsion engine fuel system.
Equip the craft with a tank that allows
one of the two pickup arrangements
described in the installation section.
The tank andinstallationmust conform
to USCG Regulations.
Pipe sealant. Explosive fuel vapors
can cause severe injury or death.
Fuel leakage can cause an explosion.
to prevent fuel leakage. Use pipe
sealant that resists gasoline, grease,
lubrication oil, common bilge solvents,
salt deposits, and water.
Ignition-protected equipment.
Explosive fuel vapors can cause
severe injury or death. Gasoline
vapors can cause an explosion.
USCG Regulation 33CFR183 requires
transfer switch, remote start panel,
etc.) must be ignition protected when
used ina gasolineand gaseous-fueled
environment. The electrical devices
listed above are not ignition protected
and are not certified to operate in a
gasoline and gaseous-fueled
near fuel tanks. Acceptable locations
are the wheelhouse and other living
areas sheltered from rain and water
Hazardous Noise
Hazardous noise.
Can cause hearing loss.
Never operate the generator set
without a muffler or with a faulty
exhaust system.
Engine noise. Hazardous noise can
cause hearing loss. Generator sets
not equipped with sound enclosures
can produce noise levels greater than
105 dBA. Prolongedexposuretonoise
levels greater than 85 dBA can cause
permanenthearing loss. Wearhearing
protection when near an operating
generator set.
Hazardous Voltage/
Electrical Shock
Hazardous voltage.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Operate the generator setonly when
all guards and electrical enclosures