
BASIC Moves Development Studio 06/2005 Danaher Motion
30 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
To change printing to Binary format, type:
System.PrintMode = BIN
To restore printing to Decimal format, enter:
System.PrintMode = DECIMAL
Printing double floating point numbers is not affected by System.PrintMode.
As an alternative to PrintMode, you can place the keywords Decimal, Hex or
Binat the end of Print or PrintUsing to print expressions in these formats.
Subsequent print instructions (?, PRINT, PRINTU, and PRINTUSING) are
not affected.
INPB, INPW, PEEKB, and PEEKW return long values. If you query any of
these functions while in PrintMode decimal, the result is misleading. Change
to Hex or Bin for the correct result.
System.DoubleFormat , defined from the configuration file , sets the double number
printing format for print of double-type numbers.
System.DoubleFormat = 1 – print in Floating point format ( 132.555 )
System.DoubleFormat = 0 - print in Exponential format ( 1.325550000000000e+02 )
Sys.DoubleFormat = 1
End Program
2.2.13. Flow Control
Flow control is the group of instructions that control the sequence of
execution of all other instructions. For detailed information on any of the flow
control commands (including examples), refer to the SERVOSTAR
Reference Manual.
If…Then is the most basic flow control statement. The syntax of If…Then is:
If condition Then
<first statement to execute if condition is true>
{multiple statements to execute if condition is true}
<first statement to execute if condition is false>
{multiple statements to execute if condition is false}}
End If
If…Then must be followed by at least one statement.
Else is optional, but if present must be followed by at least
one statement.
There is no Else if. If you use an If after an Else, you must
place the If on a new line.
Select…Case is an extension of If…Then. Anything that can be done with
Select…Case can also be done with If…Then. Many times, Select…Case
simplifies programming logic.
On the first line of a Case block of commands, you specify the variable or
expression you want tested. For example:
Select Case I
Tests the variable I for a range of conditions.
You can also select expressions:
Select Case I - M/N