Performing a Scan to E-mail operation
IC-206 9-13
5 Enter the e-mail address of the recipient that you wish to send a copy
(cc) to, and then press the [OK] key.
A menu containing “ADD” and “CHECK/EDIT” appears.
– To send a copy (cc) to multiple recipients, select “ADD”, and then
press the [OK] key. When the screen for entering the cc address ap-
pears, specify the e-mail address of the recipients to be added. Re-
peat this step until all of the recipients are specified.
– A maximum of 254 cc addresses can be specified.
– To check or edit an entered cc address, select “CHECK/EDIT”, and
then press the [OK] key.
Checking/editing a cc address
1 In the “CC ADDRESS” menu (which contains “ADD” and “CHECK/ED-
IT”), press the [,] or [+] key until “CHECK/EDIT” is selected, and then
press the [OK] key.
A list of the entered cc addresses appears.