
Image Quality You
Can Trust
The Konica Minolta family of DRYPRO
Laser Imagers offers even the most
critical clinician the best of all laser
imaging technologies. Our precision
laser-optics, superior digital image
processing, and industry-proven SD-P
Dry Image Film combine to compli-
ment your diagnostic expertise and
training with the best possible images.
Superior Image Quality/High Output
The DRYPRO 771 yields 14 Bit
density resolution. For the facility,
this means more diagnostic informa-
tion makes it onto the film. Coupled
with high speed processing of up to
110 films per hour, your site will be
able to deliver superior images and
extremely high output.
Decentralized Imaging
The small footprint of the 771 makes it
ideal for a decentralized application.
The Printlink II can capture key patient
data from imaging modalities that do
not support DICOM, and transfers it in
the DICOM form.
The design of the 771 allows it to be
used in even the brightest clinical
environments, and can be used in any
modality. Performance and versatility
are not sacrificed by its small footprint.
User-Friendly Design
• The DRYPRO 771 uses a front
mounted, one-channel tray
and allows processing in a
brightly lit room.
• Film size is selectable for added
• DRYPRO 771 is used for all
modalities as well as CR,
enhancing functionality within
the department.
• Easy to reach, user-friendly con-
trol panel indicates operating
status for operational flexibility.
• Timer function starts operation
at a user-specified time.
• High-speed processing of up
to 110 films/hour and energy-
saving design offer optimum
performance and versatility.
• First image is processed as
quickly as 106 seconds for
14x17 inch film.
• Supply tray shutter prevents
accidental film exposure,
reducing your cost of opera-
tion on supplies.
Direct Connection
to DICOM Network
and More Stable
Output Image
• The DRYPRO 771 supports
Presentation LUT Service
Class (standard), making it
easy to obtain density scales
that are equivalent to those on
the modality console display.
• DICOM PRINT function’s
Requested Image Size pro-
vides for an actual-size image,
regardless of modalities, pro-
viding the best sized image for
diagnostic review.
• Supports DICOM verification.
• Auto density control function
maintains the output density by
automatically measuring the
density patch of a fixed expo-
sure on each film.