
Principles of Measurement
Illuminating/Viewing System
The flow of measurement is shown below.
This instrument utilizes the D/8 geometry conforming to CIE No.15, ISO 7724/1, ASTM E1164, DIN
5033 Tei17, and JIS Z8722-1982 (diffused illumination/8º viewing system) standards, and offers simul
taneous SCI (specular component included) and SCE (specular component excluded) measurements.
1 Illumination
Light from xenon
lamps diffuses in the in
tegrating sphere and il-
luminates the specimen
2 Receiving
a:Light reflected by the
specimen is received.
b:Light diffused in the
integrating sphere is
3 Sensing
Light is transmitted to
the specimen-measur
ing and illumination-
monitoring optical sys
tem, where the light in
the wavelength range
of 360 to 740nm is di
vided into 10nm-pitch
components and signal
proportional to the light
intensity of each com
ponent are output to the
analog processing cir
1 Light from xenon lamps diffuses on the inner surface of the integrating sphere and illuminates the
specimen uniformly.
2 a. The light reflected by the specimen surface at an angle of 8 degrees to the normal of the surface is
received by the specimen-measuring optical system.
b.The diffused light in the integrating sphere is received by the illumination-monitoring optical sys-
tem and guided to the sensor.
3 The light reflected by the specimen surface and the diffused light are divided into each wavelength
component by the specimen-measuring optical system and illumination-monitoring optical sensor,
respectively, and then signal proportional to the light intensity of each component are output to the
analog processing circuit.
By using the outputs from the specimen-measuring optical system and the illumination-monitoring sen-
sor for calculation, compensation for slight fluctuation in spectral characteristic and the intensity of the
illumination light is performed. (Double-beam system)