1.4 User Mode
Using PageScope Web Connection Chapter 1
PCL Setting
This screen appears when you click the [PCL Setting] sub-menu under the
[Default Setting] menu. The screen is used to set default values for various
PCL settings. If the page description language that the image controller
received is PCL, the settings of the job have precedence.
Paper Size: From the drop-down list, select the default paper size.
Orientation: From the drop-down list, select the default orientation
of the paper.
Settings Portrait or Landscape
Form Length: Enter the number of lines per page.
Settings 5 to 128
Font Size: Enter the default proportional font size (points).
Settings 4.00 to 999.75 (0.25 steps)
Font Pitch: Enter the number of characters per inch in the
horizontal direction when printing fixed pitch font.
Settings 0.44 to 99.00 (0.01 steps)
Symbol Set: Select the symbol set used by the font. If a symbol set
that cannot be used currently is selected, the default
symbol set is used in its place.