Danger of accidents Reduced braking due to wet or dirty brakes.
– Clean or dry dirty or wet brakes by riding and braking gently.
– After cleaning, ride a short distance until operating temperature is reached, and apply the brakes.
The heat causes water to evaporate from inaccessible parts of the engine and brakes.
– After the engine has cooled down, lubricate or grease all moving parts and bearings.
– Clean the chain. ( S. 122)
– Treat bare metal (except for brake discs and the exhaust system) with an anticorrosive.
Cleaning and polishing materials for metal, rubber and plastic ( S. 224)
– Treat all painted parts with a mild lacquer care spray.
High-luster polish for paint ( S. 224)
– Oil the ignition/steering lock, tank lock, and seat lock.
Universal oil spray ( S. 225)