Be sure to pay attention to the notes and warnings given here.
Various notes and warning stickers are attached to the vehicle. Do not remove any notes and warning stickers. If these are removed,
you or other persons may not recognize potential danger and therefore be liable to injury.
Grades of risks
Danger of leading to immediate, certain, serious, permanent injuries or death.
Danger of probable, serious, permanent injuries or death.
Danger of considerable engine or material damage.
Danger of environmental damage.
Operating instructions
– Be sure to read these operating instructions carefully and completely before taking your first ride. They contain much information and
tips that will help you to operate and handle your motorcycle. Only in this way will you find out how to adjust the motorcycle best for
your own use and how to protect yourself from injury. These operating instructions also contain important information about servicing
the motorcycle.
– The service manual is an important component of the motorcycle and should be passed on to the new owner if the bike is sold.