10 Get Started
Our customer support is available from the following
Ɣ Access http://www.uscellular.com/support to see
a range of our support.
Ɣ Call Customer Service at 1-888-944-9400, or
611 from your U.S. Cellular phone.
Ɣ The services described in this guide may require a
subscription to a service plan and/or may incur
additional charges. Not all services will work on all
phones. Please visit http://www.uscellular.com/
for more details.
Ɣ Instructions to perform tasks in this guide may
change depending on the software version on your
Ɣ Important Privacy Message. This phone is
capable of determining its/your geographical
location. To set controls for access and use of
your location information by others, press >
Settings > Others > Location. You will then
have the option to select On or Off. For some
applications and services you select, a phone
must be turned on and set to allow collection of
location information in order to function.
Customer Support Notes