
Media Gallery
Your phone stores and displays media files.
Media Gallery Menu
Select Media Gallery from the main menu to access the following functions:
Send a Saved Image
1. From Saved Images, select an image.
2. Select Send to attach the file to a multimedia
Change the Default Wallpaper
1. From Wallpapers, select a wallpaper.
2. Select Set Default > Done.
Change the Default Screensaver
1. From Screensavers, select a screensaver.
2. Select Set Default > Done.
Assign a Caller ID
1. From Caller IDs, select an image.
2. Select Assign.
3. At the contacts list, select a contact.
Send a Sound
1. From Saved Sounds, highlight a sound.
2. Select Send to attach the file to a multimedia
Assign a Ringer
1. From Ringers, highlight a ringer.
2. Select Assign and choose how you want to
assign the ringer.
3. Complete the appropriate task.
Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3
Media Gallery Images Access these options: Saved Images, Wallpapers, Screensavers, and Caller IDs.
Sounds Access these options: Saved Sounds, Ringers, and Voice Memos.
Delete All Access these options: Images Only, Sounds Only, and Delete All.