
Copy and paste site link for
shared viewing.
Copy HTML code onto your
website, blog or Facebook
page to create a tracking
window on a business or
personal site for shared
! SilverCloud™ ShareSpot Feature
The patent-pending ShareSpot is one of the innovative features of
fered by LandAirSea’s real-
time GPS tracking systems. With the ShareSpot, users of the SilverCloud and SilverCloud Sync
will be able to share their precise GPS location online in real-time. The shared online mapping
window not only shows where the vehicle is, it also shows where it’s going and how fast it’s
traveling. This allows the public to conveniently identify where the vehicle is at any time on a
web-browser without having to contact the user directly.
To utilize ShareSpot:
1. Select Advanced Options from the Main Menu,
and then select the ShareSpot option, which will
open a new window.
2. Once the ShareSpot window opens, owners of
the SilverCloud or SilverCloud Sync tracking
systems will be able to share the real-time GPS
location by sending a URL link via email, or by
copying the automatically generated HTML
code and embedding it onto a website or
Facebook page.
Once embedded onto the website, the online mapping window automatically refreshes the GPS
location, with continuous updates as fast as every 3 seconds based on the data plan and device
chosen. Owners will also be able to share their GPS tracking data without having to
compromise their username and password.