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Controls the boost and cut of the low-frequency response of the pre-amplifier.
The seven band graphic equalizer allows you to easily modify your tone and effectively ‘see’ the response you are getting.
There are seven sliders covering a frequency range from 40Hz right through to 6KHz. When the slider is in the central
position the signal at that frequency is unaffected or flat. Moving the slider up or down from the centre will Boost or Cut
that frequency.
Controls the boost and cut of the high-frequency response of the pre-amplifier.
Allows the on-board limiter to be defeated if desired. With the switch in the out position the limiter is engaged. The limiter
is automatically triggered at high-output levels and is designed to prevent power-amp distortion at high-output levels. When
the limiter is automatically triggered the LED lights up to indicate the limiter is active. It is possible to have the limiter
engaged but not have the LED active. The limiter monitors both power-amp clipping and speaker load so it automatically
registers the cabinet-impedance and sets itself accordingly.
Sets the overall listening level of the amplifier.
Activates the on board high frequency horn
XLR socket for direct-injection of the amplifier signal to a mixing-desk or additional power-amplifier. The XLR socket
provides a balanced low-impedance output-signal from the pre-amplifier taken before any tone correction.
Indicates power is connected and the amplifier is switched on. (Always switch off and disconnect power cord when not in
Main power on/off switch
Normal and High inputs are provided for connection of bass guitars. High output basses, either Active or Passive should be
connected via the High socket. Low output basses should be connected using the normal input. High output basses may also
be placed in the Normal input if pre-amp overloading is desired.
This control is used to set the level of gain present in the pre-amp. The higher the level of gain, the more the signal will clip
producing distortion. The Gain control should be used in conjunction with the Volume control to produce the desired
signal characteristics.
Engages and disengages the on-board compressor, this compresses the input-signal giving a punchier sound. In association
with the compressor are two LEDs, one indicating that the compressor is engaged and one indicating the compressor is
active. The amount of compression is controlled by the Gain control. The higher the setting the more compression. With
most guitars compression will begin at about 5-6 on the control. It is possible to have the compressor engaged but it only be
active during certain periods of playing - typically the most dynamic sections.
The Enhance control provides an increased definition at the low-end of the frequency spectrum giving you a tighter, punchier
sound. The Enhance control does this by providing a dip in the frequency-response of the amplifier at approximately 150Hz.
This dip reduces some of the harmonics of the important low-frequencies around 40-80 Hz producing better definition to
your sound. Turning the control through to its maximum has the effect of boosting both the low and high-frequency content.
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