
Appendix A: Command Reference
xPico® Wi-Fi® Embedded Device Server User Guide 78
value CP
This is the number of the Configurable Pin (CP) assigned to the role.
Enter blank or 0 to revert to <No CP Selected>.
Blank the value for "<No CP Selected>".
value State
The Enabled State allows the application to use the designated Configurable Pin.
Note that some Roles (those containing a ".") are bundled into a group. Enabling / Disabling any one of
them also Enables / Disables the rest of the Roles in the same Group.
State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".
value Assert
Assert reflects the logical polarity of this Configurable Pin.
High means that a logical "1" corresponds to a voltage high condition on the pin.
Low means that a logical "1" corresponds to a voltage low condition on the pin.
Assert may be "High" or "Low".
value Mode
Mode indicates if this Configurable Pin is set up for push-pull or if it enables an internal weak pullup.
5-Volt tolerance: In order to sustain a voltage higher than VDD+0.3, the Mode must be set to Push-Pull.
Mode may be "Push-Pull" or "Weak Pullup".
configgroup HTTP Server
These settings pertain to the HTTP Server. Changes will take effect after reboot.
configitem State
Enable the State to allow the HTTP Server to operate.
Disable the State to prevent HTTP from operating on any port.
State may be "Enabled" or "Disabled".
configitem Port
The Port can be overridden. Blank the display to restore the default.
Zero the value for "<None>".
configitem Inactivity Timeout
The Inactivity Timeout applies only if the Application "HTTP Server" is enabled in Performance.
The HTTP Server will hold power on this long after it completes a request.
Inactivity Timeout has units of seconds.