
Sharing Content Using Social Media: Overview
If you have an account with social media services such as Facebook, Flickr, or YouTube, you can share
content on your ix4-300d Network Storage with your friends and family using one or more of these social
media sites. To share your content using social media sites, create Shares called Active Folders, and
connect each Active Folder with a social media account. Refer to the help topic links below for more
information on these procedures. When you add photos and movies to an Active Folder, those files are
automatically uploaded to the social media site associated with that Active Folder. If you have photos or
movies you want to share with others, this is a great way to make your content available to people who
may not have access to your ix4-300d.
If you have configured a Personal Cloud on your ix4-300d, you can grant Personal Cloud users access to
Shares and Active Folders. This is useful if you want to allow users to add files to your social media sites.
For example, if your ix4-300d has a Flickr Active Folder, you can grant Personal Cloud users access to
that Active Folder. In this manner, when photos are added to the Flickr Active Folder, either by you or by
Personal Cloud users, those photos are uploaded automatically to your Flickr account.
Note that an Active Folder can only be associated with one social media account. For example, if you want
Active Folders for your Facebook and YouTube accounts, create two Active Folders, and assign one
Active Folder to Facebook, and one to YouTube. Using this example, any photos you add to your
Facebook Active Folder are automatically uploaded to your Facebook page, and any movies you add to
your YouTube Active Folder are automatically uploaded to your YouTube page. Not only is this a fast and
easy way to share content, but uploading content to your social media sites provides an additional backup
of your content, as the content is stored both on your ix4-300d and at your social media accounts.
Sharing Files
35 Sharing Content Using Social Media: Overview