When you connect to the server by FTP service, you can use the name to login as a guest.
You cannot delete this user or change its password.
You can create a new user according to your needs. The following information is required
to create a new user:
• User Name
The user name must not exceed 32 characters. It is case insensitive and it can contain
double-byte characters. (Such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) But it cannot contain
any of the characters below:
" / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > ` '
• Password
The password must not exceed 16 characters. Due to security concerns, the password
must be at least 6 characters. Try to avoid using codes that are easily decipherable.
You can perform the following settings for users:
• Create User
• Change Password
• Create Private Network Share
• Assign User Groups
• NFS Settings
• Quota Settings
• Delete User
• User Groups
To administer access rights, you can create user groups. User groups are a collection of
users with the same access rights to files or folders. By factory default, the server
contains the following pre-defined user groups:
All members of the administrators group have the rights to perform system management.
You cannot delete the administrators user groups.
All registered users belongs to everyone group. You cannot delete the user groups,
“Everyone” or delete any of its users.