
Wireless LAN Access Point Configuration
DHCP Server Setting
DHCP Server will automatically give user’s LAN client an IP address. If the DHCP is not
enabled then user will have to manually set user’s LAN client’s IP address.
Parameter Description
Default Gateway IP
Specify the gateway IP in user’s network. This IP address should be
different from the Management IP.
Domain Name Server IP
This is the ISP’s DNS server IP address that they gave user; or user can
specify user’s own preferred DNS servers IP address.
Start IP/End IP
User can designate a particular IP address range for user’s DHCP server to
issue IP addresses to user’s LAN Clients. By default the IP range is from:
Start IP to End IP
Domain Name
User can specify the Domain Name for user’s Access Point.
Lease Time
The DHCP Server when enabled will temporarily give user’s LAN client an IP
address. In the Lease Time setting user can specify the time period that the