MD5 Authentication
26. Select “Data encryption (WEP enabled)” option, but leave other option
27. Select the key format that you want to use to key in your Network key.
ASCII characters: 0~9, a~z and A~Z
HEX characters: 0~9, a~f
28. Select the key length that you wish to use
40 bits (5 characters for ASCII, 10 characters for HEX)
104 bits (13 characters for ASCII, 26 characters for HEX)
29. After deciding the key format and key length that you wish to use for network
key. Enter the network key in “Network key” text box.
Please note that that value of Network key entered, and key format/length used,
must be the same as that used in the Access Point. Although there are 4 set of
keys can be set in the Access Point WEP configuration, it’s the first set of key that
must be the same as that we used by the supplicant wireless client.