Intervention required:
scheduled maintenance
30075 80 Scheduled Maintenance FALSE
Intervention required:
resource save off deficient memory
30076 35 Res Save Off Deficient Memory FALSE
Intervention required:
insufficient collation area
30076 37 Insufficient Collation Area FALSE
Intervention required:
hole punch box full
30107 Empty Hole Punch Box FALSE
Intervention required:
hole punch box full
30107 Empty Box M FALSE
Intervention required:
hole punch box missing
30107 Insert Box M FALSE
Intervention required:
staple cartridge missing
30107 Insert Staple Cartridge FALSE
Intervention required:
insert stapler
30107 Insert Stapler FALSE
Intervention required:
priming failed
30107 Priming Failed, Retry. Go/Stop? FALSE
Intervention required:
network x software error
30112 54 Network x Software Error FALSE
Intervention required:
serial port x disabled
30112 56 Serial Port x Disabled FALSE
Intervention required:
serial option x error
30112 54 Serial Option x Error FALSE
Intervention required:
serial x fax connection lost
30112 54 Ser x Fax Connection Lost FALSE
Intervention required:
USB port disabled
30112 56 USB Port x Disabled FALSE
Intervention required:
parallel x ENA connection lost
30113 54 Par x ENA Connection Lost FALSE
Intervention required:
parallel x port disabled
30113 56 Parallel Port x Disabled FALSE
Intervention required:
disk operation failed jobs on disk
32001 Operation Failed Jobs on Disk FALSE
Intervention required:
disk operation failed faxes on disk
32001 Operation Failed Faxes on Disk FALSE
Intervention required:
flash full
32002 52 Flash Full FALSE
Table 3-13: PJL Messages for Auto-Continuable Conditions (Continued)
Printer State
Display String Online Status
Note: The Display String is returned in the current language. A display string longer than one line shows only the first line of
the message.