225Operations - TN5250E SETUP: SCS OPTIONS > MISC SETTINGS > Source Input (IDB Option 113)
Source Input
(IDB Option 113)
This SCS Options > Misc Settings option selects the paper source
input tray. This setting will trigger definitions made by the Source
Drawer (SRCDRW) command.
The parameter values 6 - 8 cannot be selected via the operator
panel. They can only be chosen via IDB commands. The IDB com-
mands trigger the events 76 - 78, which correspond to the parame-
ter values 6 - 8. The events can be set to point to any string. The
string pointed to should contain a string which selects a specific tray
in the printer. Refer to the IDB Technical Reference guide, available
on the internet site with manual updates listed in “Support” on
page 4.
User IDB command:
DEFSRCDRW <parameter>:
DEF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
User IDB language to set factory default:
Advanced IDB language to set factory default: