162Operations - TN5250E SETUP: CONNECTION # > Connect # Status
Connect #
This Connection# option displays the connection status with the
host. The option cannot be changed by the user.
The first part of the line shows the primary status message of the
connection followed by a last response message received from the
host. The complete status message text may not be displayed.
Refer to the tables below.
Connect # Status: Primary status messages Comments
Negotiating with TN server The SCS/TNe Emulation has contacted the host succesfully and is
negotiating the Telnet communications parameters.
Not Configured The IP # Address
, Hostname #, Device # Name, MSGQ # Name, or
MSGQ # Lib in the TN5250E SERVER # INFO menu has not been
Print Inactive * One of the following conditions exists and is preventing a session
from being estalished.
1 Print Active = No. Solution: Set to Yes. (Path: Menus > Option Card Menu >
2 NPA Mode = Off. Solution: Set to Auto. (Path: Menus > Network/Ports > print
server to be used for SCS printing > NPA Mode).
3 Cable is not plugged into print server. Plug in cable.
4 Network is down. Check network.
Reconnecting session The Telnet session was disconnected. The SCS/TNe Emulation is
attempting to reconnect.