Installer Menu (Cont.)
Installer Menu Items 053 through 122
Item Function Value Range Default Value Brief Description of Function
053 DIS. CH-TIME 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable Channel-Time display.
069 EN. CH-T COL. 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
070 FOR. CH-TIME 0 ~ 7 2 Chooses custom foreground color for the Channel-Time display.
071 BCK. CH-TIME 0 ~ 7 2 Chooses custom background color for the Channel-Time display.
073 CH NOT AVBLE 0 / 1 0
If set to 1 and item 028 CH. OVERIDE is set to 0, a “CHANNEL NOT
AVAILABLE” message is displayed if user attempts to direct tune a channel that
is not included in the channel lineup.
075 REVERT CH 0 / 1 0 If set to 1 and loss of MPI communication occurs, TV tunes to Start Channel.
077 QUICK SHUTOFF 0 ~ 17 0
Allows TV to be turned OFF with press and hold of pillow speaker channel buttons.
Set to 0 to disable. Set from 1 to 17 to define hold time. (See detailed descriptions.)
078 UPN MSB 0 ~ 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte.
079 UPN MSB-1 0 ~ 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte - 1.
080 UPN MSB-2 0 ~ 255 255 User programmable number, most significant byte - 2.
081 UPN LSB 0 ~ 255 255 User programmable number, least significant byte.
082 CHKSM ERROR 0 / 1 1 If set to 1, enforces rigid MPI checksum.
083 HANDSHK TIME 0 ~ 5 5 Relaxes MPI timing to be compatible with PC-based Windows-controlled systems.
084 PERMANENT BLK 0 / 1 0 Removes block hours setting for Parental Control and makes block permanent.
087 REAR RGB EN. 0, 1, 17 1
Set to 0 to disable RGB input. Set to 1 to enable RGB input. Set to 17 for
Auto Configure.
088 EN NOISE MUTE 0 / 1 1 (Analog channels only) If set to 1, audio is muted if no signal is present.
090 KEY LOCK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, all display panel joystick button functions are locked. IR is still functional.
HDMI2 ENABLE 0 ~ 2 1
Set to 0 to disable HDMI 2. Set to 1 (DTV Mode) or 2 (PC Mode), as
applicable, to enable HDMI 2.
094 SAP MENU EN 0 / 1 1
Set to 0 to disable feature on Function Menu. Set to 1 to enable feature on
Function Menu.
096 DEF. ASP. RATIO 0 ~ 4 2 Sets default aspect ratio at power up. See detailed descriptions and item 106.
097 AUDIO OUTPUT 0 ~ 9
Set as required in accordance with external audio equipment connected to the
TV. See detailed descriptions.
0 ~ 2
Set to 0 to disable Pro:Centric operation. Set to 1 for Flash Mode. Set to 2 for
GEM (Java Application) Mode.
1 ~ 202, 255 * 255
Sets the level of the TV picture back lighting. (See detailed descriptions.)
102 ATSC BAND 0 ~ 4 4 Selects ATSC band.
103 ATSC TUNE MODE 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 (default) for Physical Channel scan. Set to 0 for Virtual Channel scan.
104 START MINOR CH 0 ~ 255 0 Selects Minor Start Channel. Set to 0 for NTSC.
106 ASP RATIO LOCK 0 / 1 0
To retain set aspect ratio on power cycle, set to 1. Set to 0 for default ratio on
power cycle.
116 VIDEO MUTE EN 0 / 1 0
(Analog channels only) If set to 1, video mutes (blank screen) when no signal is present.
117 FACT DEFAULT 0 / 1 0
Set to 1 to restore the factory default settings of all Installer Menu items.
0 ~ 135, 253,
Set to 0 to disable. Set from 1 to 135 to match the RF channel number used by
the Pro:Centric server as its data channel. Set to 255 to use Auto Search to find
the Pro:Centric RF channel. (See detailed descriptions.)
121 UPDATE TIME HR 0 ~ 23, 128 128
Sets the Wake For Update hour. The value “128” is displayed as “OFF.” Directly
entering 128 turns the Wake For Update feature OFF.
122 UPDATE TIME MN 0 ~ 59 0
Sets the minute for Wake For Update.
* Values 201, 202 applicable for 32/42LY560M only.