• Press the
button to return to normal TV viewing.
• Press the
button to move to the previous menu screen.
This feature lets you adjust the picture quality of the original image.
Use this to calibrate the screen quality by adjusting the Black and White Level etc. General users can calibrate the
screen quality by easily following each stage.
When you adjust the image to Low, Recommended or High, you can see the changed result as an example.
In RGB-PC/HDMI-PC/DVI-PC mode, the changed Colour, Tint and H/V Sharpness values are not applied.
Picture Wizard
With Picture Wizard, you can adjust the picture quality of the
original image.
BBllaacckk LLeevveell,, WWhhiittee LLeevveell,, CCoolloouurr,, TTiinntt,, HH SShhaarrppnneessss,, VV SShhaarrppnneessss,,
CCoolloouurr TTeemmppeerraattuurree
DDyynnaammiicc CCoonnttr
CCoolloouurr GGaaiinn
Select input source to apply the settings.
•If you stop the setting before the final stage, the
changes will not be applied
The adjustment value is saved to Expert1.
Once the Picture Wizard sets the image quality, the
Energy Saving is changed into Off.