User Manual
Hipulse - Single Phase ‘1+N’ UPS System 130 kVA - 110V
Pressing the ENTER button [12] from the Default Screen gives the operator access to
the ‘Measurements’ menu which facilitates access to the following measurements:
Output Parameters
- Output Voltage (L-N)
- Output Current (L-N current displayed in Amperes or as a % Load)
- Output Power (displayed in kW or kVA)
- Output Frequency (of inverter and bypass mains)
Input Parameters
- Input Voltage (L-N for Bypass input)
Battery Parameters
- Battery Voltage
- Battery Current
- Battery Charge (in %)
- Temperature (°C) at critical points
Bargraph Selection
This following functional area shows the various UPS load and battery charging
16. Load Battery
The amber led situated at the beginning of the % Autonomy bargraph illuminates
when the battery voltage has discharged to 1.8V /cell and indicates that the battery is
approaching its low voltage cut-off point and the UPS will shortly shutdown.
17. % Battery state Autonomy time bargraph
When the battery is being charged (normal) the six leds illuminate progressively to
indicate the state of battery charge as a percentage of a charge. When the battery is
discharging (battery on-load) the bargraph function changes to provide an indication
of the remaining battery autonomy time, each step indicate approximately 2 minutes.
With a fully charged battery all five LEDs are illuminated indicating greater than 10
minutes remaining, as the autonomy falls below this time the LEDs will extinguish in
steps starting from the right-hand end.
18. % Load bargraph
The six leds illuminate progressively to indicate the applied load as a percentage of
the rated maximum current increasing in 20% steps to 100% of full load when all five
are illuminated.
19. Overload
The amber LED situated at the end of the % Load bargraph illuminates if the applied
load exceeds 100% of modules rated output current. This indication will be
accompanied by an audible alarm a alarm message.